About us

Coastal Wellbeing

Established in 2013 to provide WRAP® and other wellbeing services and professional training, Coastal Wellbeing is a not-for-profit social enterprise based in Lewes and Newhaven, East Sussex.

Coastal Wellbeing was co-founded and is run by Molly Booth and Lucy Tucknott, two experienced, accredited Advanced Level WRAP Facilitators.  Molly and Lucy are also both qualified person-centred counsellors and members of the BACP.

Our journey

It was a stomach-flipping moment when we found out that the project we had being working on for the past three years and given our heart and soul to was going to end. Coastal Wellbeing came about because of our determination and passion to continue doing the work we believe in: Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP).

We first met in 2010 in our then new roles as development workers for a project run by a local charity to deliver WRAP to the community.  We sought out and completed the accredited training to work with WRAP and successfully established a regular programme of WRAP courses, follow-on groups and one-to-one support in the Lewes and Newhaven area.

In the summer of 2012, the charity lost its contract and we were faced with a big decision: transfer to a new organisation and stop working with WRAP or step out on our own so that we could keep doing the work we were passionate about.

After six months of thinking, researching, worrying, wondering, planning and asking for help we chose the latter.  It was not an easy decision – there were lots of sleepless nights, anxiety and fear – but we knew WRAP was a tool worth sharing and so many more people could benefit from it and we also knew, if we didn’t give it a go, we would always wonder, “what if?”

“Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.”

Brené Brown, Rising Strong

We chose courage and took a leap of faith to set up Coastal Wellbeing in 2013 so we could continue to work with WRAP and eventually offer counselling.  At the heart of what we do is the desire to provide a non-judgemental space for people to be heard, support people to find their voice and offer opportunities for genuine connection.

The choice to set up Coastal Wellbeing was the right one and our core values – integrity, authenticity and compassion – continue to drive the work that we do.  The WRAP framework helps us both to navigate the many paths through life and work and plays a vital part in our ongoing personal and professional journeys.

Now, when our stomachs flip, – which seems to be a regular occurrence when running your own business – we come back to our values and all that we have learned along the way, take a deep breath and then the next leap…

So where has this road taken us so far?


We have been working with and living by the WRAP model since 2010.

After launching Coastal Wellbeing we went on to become accredited Copeland Centre trained WRAP Facilitator trainers/mentors.

We received grants to expand our delivery and successfully branched out to offer WRAP Seminar I courses across East Sussex.  We have worked with a wide variety of groups including carers, drug and alcohol recovery, long term health conditions, autism, trauma, workplace wellbeing, young people, as well as continuing to work with people wanting to focus on their mental health and wellbeing.

Funding for our WRAP work has come from the East Sussex County Council Commissioning Grants Prospectus, East Sussex County Council Innovation Fund for Recovery Work, Hastings & Rother Clinical Commissioning Group and a mental health bursary fund.  We have also been commissioned by local organisations to provide WRAP and bespoke workshops for their clients and staff.

Since 2013 we have facilitated more than 100 WRAP Seminar I courses, supporting people to explore options and choices, creating opportunities to help them make a positive changes in their life through WRAP.


We are both qualified person-centred counsellors and members of the BACP. We offer private practices in Lewes and Denton, Newhaven.

We offer counselling for anyone seeking support, short or long term. We also offer one-to-one WRAP.  There is more information about us and how we work on our counselling page.

Our professional development

We continue to learn and develop our skills and awareness through ongoing CPD (continuing professional development)

  • Advanced Level WRAP Facilitator Training & Refreshers
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Safe Talk – Suicide Alertness for Everyone
  • ASIST – Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
  • PTLLS –Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
  • Group Facilitator Training


  • We hold enhanced DBS certificates
  • We have professional liability insurance through Balens
  • We are members of the BACP
  • We adhere to the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions and the Copeland Center Values & Ethics for working with WRAP
  • We have regular supervision for our counselling and WRAP work respectively
  • We will always treat your information with respect.  Here is a link to our Privacy Policy
  • Coastal Wellbeing is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (Registration Reference Z3540683)

Molly Booth

Photo of Molly
Molly Booth

“I love working as a facilitator.  I feel privileged to be part of the process that unfolds for people who participate in WRAP groups as they grow in self-awareness and confidence.  Doing this work has shown me how people can find understanding and connection through sharing their experiences in a safe, comfortable and supportive environment.”

Lucy Tucknott

Lucy Tucknott

“I love facilitating, I always learn something and seeing each individual grow fills me with hope.  With the right conditions people can explore the tough stuff, enjoy connecting with others, regain control and find the strength and belief within to be themselves and follow their goals and dreams.”